© François Olislaeger
« Libido sciendi »
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Two dancers come on stage, undress and melt into an embrace; this opening is the prelude to a choreographic coupling: two nude bodies bathed in light, with no musical accompaniment other than the sound of their breathing and the audible dialogue of their skin. Art that is an assault on the senses, examining the human condition through its most intimate secret, "Libido sciendi" is a veritable treatise on erotic desire, with the poetry of the body placed at the service of dance.
Concept and direction: Pascal Rambert, with Nina Santes and Kevin Jean.
Transmission of the piece: Lorenzo de Angelis.
Production: Theatre of Gennevilliers, National Dramatic Centre for contemporary creation.
Co-production: Montpellier Dance Festival.
Created at Montpellier Dance Festival 2008.
> Length of performance 35 minutes
> Photos and films fordbiden
This show is not suitable for children and certain members of the public. It contains sensual material that some people may find shocking.